Transform anxiety into your biggest asset
This is something that many people around me experience.
For some individuals, certain life events can trigger this; and for some, anxiety may feel like a lingering shadow that never really goes away.
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, and there is no shortage of stress in today's fast-paced society. That is why we all feel some degree of unease, fear, or worry when confronted with unknowns.
In fact, anxiety is a natural part of the human experience because, well, we're wired for it. That's the basic human instinct that ensures our continued existence. Early humans used the fight-or-flight response to avoid danger in the past. Now, what about the anxieties of today?
Obviously, there are numerous potential causes around us that can contribute to anxiety, and individuals may experience anxiety to varying degrees.
For some people, anxiety can be so debilitating that it interferes with daily life because of a real physical problem. In this case, you may need to see a doctor for a formal medical evaluation and treatment. What I want to talk about here is the everyday worry that most of us feel.

Healing with Music - Addiction, Burnout & Grief
I used music to help me through my hardest days with addiction, burnout and grief.
Because my healing has been so profound it lead me to develop and trademark a system of tools that uses music as a basis for transformation. I call it Intuitive Music Programming (TM)
It all began when I reflected on my childhood, and particularly my teenage years when I noticed that in heartbreak I would listen to very specific types of music. Test this. Ask anybody “what was the song of your first heartbreak?” : Everybody will remember it.
It's because the music of the time when you were broken-hearted accompanied you in the physical emotional experience you were going through.
Music understood exactly what you were feeling without you needing to explain it.
Music could accompany you in how you were feeling in your heartbreak
Music did this without trying to save you, rescue or advise you.
Music could just be with you.
Music helps you regulate your emotions.
It helps you move through that emotion so you don't have to avoid it.
I developed intuitive music programming through this experience.

Music as Medicine: The History and Real-Life Examples of Healing with Music
First blog article by contributing Writer Dr Li Lian Gan.
“Ancient civilizations, such as the early Native Americans, used music as a spiritual conduit to interact with nature and their gods. Music also served as a means of socializing and curing the sick. Back in the day, it was common for them to gather as a tribe to chant, dance, and pray for their sick tribal members”. - Dr Li Lian Gan

This is my gift to the world: healing through music
In the past, I dealt with childhood sexual trauma and emotional abuse. I had my fair share of cultural, racial, gender, sexual orientation bias and discrimination. I went through a period of people-pleasing; I repeatedly found myself in unhealthy relationships characterized by gaslighting, narcissism, and co-dependence.
I have also strived hard to become an award-winning recording artist. Yet, I have always struggled with perfectionism and feelings of inadequacy.
When I thought I was unstoppable, life threw me a curveball. The people I cared about the most were diagnosed with terminal illnesses. As I became a cancer caregiver to my Father and my Soul Partner, I had to be strong. Addiction to alcohol and drugs became a crutch for me to sustain my role as a caregiver, a daughter, and a partner.
It was a complex and heart-wrenching life chapter, as I walked alongside them through their final days of life. To add to that, their departure happened barely two years apart, sending me on a never-ending path of grief. Those were my darkest period of pain and suffering, I experienced a lot of powerful emotions, such as sadness, denial, anger and frustration, and I had really disturbing thoughts. Some of them were violent and self-threatening.
Falling in Love - A Sacred Spiritual Journey
Falling in Love is SACRED
It used to take over my whole world
I would change the trajectory of my life to chase this feeling
I would drop everything to get the dopamine hit of being with who I was falling in love with
I would let go of all sense and sensibility just to experience the whirlwind and passion of falling in love
The chasing, the fantasising, the raw primal desire of a wanton “sexually unrestrained woman” (not Chinese dumpling 🥟 😂)
And girl, let me tell you it has all been amazing

What No one tells you about confidently being Authentic
A quote that changed my life
“I am not who you think I am. You are who you think I am”
I’ve struggled with fitting in my whole life
From my earliest memories of being an outgoing, vocal, precocious little girl who was comfortable wearing the clothes boys wore and hated the frilly dresses that she had to wear sometimes when the occasion demanded.

Building Bridges of Compassion: How to Approach Concerns About Someone's Well-Being
Some of you may ]know that I'm taking time this summer to spend time to heal, spend time to retreat, to reflect, to reset, to recalibrate, and bring some love into my own life.
I've been busy. I've been working so hard, like literally working hard the whole 2022. It’s been all about hustling and refining my skills as a Solo Entrepreneur. Because I want to scale and I took course after course, business course, digital marketing, sales, you name it, I did it. SEO copywriting, the works. I got my head down. I got really strategic. I got into my left brain and the logical, pragmatic, deliberate side of myself and, you know, I had a win.
Last year I had record sales in one month and that was a huge, huge win. It allowed me to start onboarding team members to really kick off my podcast. Not long after that, however, I crashed and burned and went into burnout.

Breaking the myth of age: It’s Never too Late, You’re always on time
I'm 49 years old. You'd think right that by this stage of life, that there's nothing left to learn there's nothing new to discover. I mean at 49 I'm nearly half a century old! That feels ancient and yet I was able to give myself ,I was able to receive an experience like I'd never had before.
I've been on my own personal journey of healing for nearly 10 years now. But truly on the grand scale of things is 20% of my life. Yet, just when I thought, and there lies the problem, just when I thought that I was getting a grip on life, and I was finding balance again, and I was finding direction and focus with my business and everything seems to be feeling very grounded, I burned out the end of last year, as many of you know, and I thought I was in recovery, until…
What Family Constellations taught me about family dynamics beyond what the eye can see
Family Constellations teaches us that our families have their own rules and patterns and sometimes things in the past, like traumatic experiences and events and unresolved issues situations can still impact us today, even if we don't even know about.
These hidden influences can show up as repeated problems. or emotional struggles in our lives today. By understanding these hidden dynamics we can heal and make our families healthier and happier.
We are more than deserving of a life that is full and thriving and abundant in love, peace and harmony.
Our parents did the best they can with what they knew and didn’t know. Once we know though, we have an opportunity to heal and grow. We cannot undo what our parents did. We can however acknowledge and take conscious steps to move forward by reparenting ourselves.
From Grief to Gratitude; An unexpected journey
Grief is often seen as a taboo topic, something that we should keep to ourselves and not burden others with. However, I believe that breaking the stigma surrounding grief is essential for our collective healing. By sharing our stories and experiences, we can create a more compassionate and understanding society. It is important to remember that grief is not a weakness, but rather a natural response to loss. By talking about it openly, we can create a space for healing and growth.

Mum’s the Word - From Parent to Person: How Getting to Know my Mum changed my Life 💓
My whole life she was "just" Mum. I discovered so much about her I had no idea about. Building trust and confidence in her by being the listener revealed many life stories (secrets) loaded with wisdom that she had never shared with anyone else. Experiences that showed her courage, her resilience, her fierce integrity, her pain and struggles.
From Burnout to Breakthrough : how to turn burnout into a catalyst for growth in your life
The value of self-care: Burnout often occurs when we neglect our own needs and prioritize other things over our mental and physical health. Self-care practices can help you recharge and prevent burnout.