Breaking the myth of age: It’s Never too Late, You’re always on time
Gouville-Sur-Mer, Normandy, May 2023
This week I'm going to keep it short and sweet. Last week, I had an incredible experience of learning what it's like to be me again.
And I'm 49 years old. You'd think right that by this stage of life, that there's nothing left to learn there's nothing new to discover. I mean at 49 I'm nearly half a century old! That feels ancient and yet I was able to give myself an experience like I'd never had before.
I've been on my own personal journey of healing for nearly 10 years now. But truly on the grand scale of things is 20% of my life. Yet, and here lies the problem, just when I thought that I was getting a grip on life, and I was finding balance again, direction and focus with my business and everything seemed to be feeling very grounded, I burned out the end of last year. As many of you know, in the last months I also thought I was in recovery, until…
I had this opportunity to take myself on a 1:1 retreat, which I'm literally just coming out of.
When I arrived in Normandy, at the Normandy Retreat House, I literally surrendered my mind, body and soul. It was so intuitive. I arrived and the next day went deep into retreat.
I surrendered in a moment.
On a day in a month in a year. When I thought I was moving through smoothly my recovery from burnout, really, I was nowhere near recovered from my burnout.
It is never too late to learn something new about yourself.
It is never too late to give yourself that nourishment and that self care and self love that is decades overdue.
It is never too late to discover how deep rooted your patterns of chronic and toxic self abandonment, overworking and self deprecating lifestyles are insidiously eating you up on the inside.
It's never too late. It's never too late to make a change. It's never too late to say thank you. It's never too late to surrender to the moment and allow yourself to rediscover who you are right now.
As you discover who you are right now in this moment, all the labels, all the expectations that have ever kept you from being the highest version of yourself literally drop off and let me just add, they drop off for now.
They drop off and stay off for as long as it serves you until it’s time for you to reach that next layer. So if you think that life is all about milestones that you reach, and then you never need to look back or experience things you've experienced in the past again, then stand corrected.
Because life is a loop. It's a loop of experiences at different levels. The thematic of the experiences are essentially the same, we’re just viewing them through a different timeline.
You will get to a point like I feel I've just reached after this retreat, where I look back and I can so clearly see my patterns, and as I look forward, I feel more confident, more tender and even more vulnerable to the fact that these patterns will show up again.
Guaranteed 100%! The difference is that this time, I'm going to be able to witness it. I have the level of awareness that allows me to bear powerful witness to my patterns so I am now more able to make conscious choices.
It's never too late, my friends. It's never ever too late. Just start and just start now.
You’re all ways exactly where you’re meant to be.
Warm love always,
Melissa xxx