Healing with Music - Addiction, Burnout & Grief
I used music to help me through my hardest days with addiction, burnout and grief.
Because my healing has been so profound it lead me to develop and trademark a system of tools that uses music as a basis for transformation. I call it Intuitive Music Programming (TM)
It all began when I reflected on my childhood, and particularly my teenage years when I noticed that in heartbreak I would listen to very specific types of music. Test this. Ask anybody “what was the song of your first heartbreak?” : Everybody will remember it.
It's because the music of the time when you were broken-hearted accompanied you in the physical emotional experience you were going through.
Music understood exactly what you were feeling without you needing to explain it.
Music could accompany you in how you were feeling in your heartbreak
Music did this without trying to save you, rescue or advise you.
Music could just be with you.
Music helps you regulate your emotions.
It helps you move through that emotion so you don't have to avoid it.
I developed intuitive music programming through this experience.