Falling in Love - A Sacred Spiritual Journey
Falling in love is Sacred
It’s also
💜 Warm and fuzzy
💜 Sweet and serene
💜 Exciting and exhilarating
It used to take over my whole world
I would change the trajectory of my life to chase this feeling
I would drop everything to get the dopamine hit of being with who I was falling in love with
I would let go of all sense and sensibility just to experience the whirlwind and passion of falling in love
The chasing, the fantasising, the raw primal desire of a wanton “sexually unrestrained woman” (not Chinese dumpling 🥟 😂)
And girl, let me tell you it has all been amazing
But with it came a lot of drama, addiction, abuse, toxicity and co-dependent trauma bonding
The roots of which lie within my childhood sexual trauma.
The family system in which I was raised plays a part too.
This is what I am learning as I continue to walk my emotional healing journey
I remember I felt something had shifted within me when the sight of a flower, a sunset, the touch of the ocean breeze on my face, the ripples of the water against my skin gifted me this feeling of falling in love
I realised I didn’t need to look or chase or depend on anyone to give me love
I had read and understood theoretically love is all around
Now I could feel it. It became a reality
Life hasn’t been the same since
Until recently, when someone touched my heart and ignited a new flame within me
The flame of curiosity
So I have chosen to allow myself to fall in love with another, again, so I can practice what love is
It’s scary beyond words because I have never been here before
To fall in love consciously
Love is Vulnerable
Love is Safe
Love is Fearless because Love is presence
And when we are present there is no fear of the past or the future
Love is confidence
Love is Faith
Love is a Spiritual journey
Love is a dance with another
Love is when you accompany each other on this incredible journey of life, witnessing, honouring and loving each other for who we are in each present moment without trying to change, rescue or fix the other.
Why? Because our uniqueness is a Divine Creation. We are creation in motion. A Soul having a human experience. Our very Being is a gift to the world and each other. Can we bear witness to the sweet poetry in motion of our natural existence?
Loving relationships are spiritual collaborations where the way you mirror each other is both blissful and bruising. Blissful to the soul and bruising to the ego.
Love is knowing that we are each a unique expression of love to be respected and held as sacred.
As we learn to dance with each other in the flow of life, challenges are met with compassion, struggles met with serenity, resistance with resilience
When you start to uphold Falling in love as a Sacred Spiritual Journey, there can surely be no higher plane of existence
Thank you for accompanying me on this rollercoaster 🎢 ride
Love is the only energy,
Warm love always,
Sa xxx