From Burnout to Breakthrough : how to turn burnout into a catalyst for growth in your life

I've been documenting my burnout recovery process this time around, It's been 7 years since my last major burn out break down.

My journals highlight 10 areas of learning that Burnout has brought me. I’m sharing them in two parts.

Here are 5 lessons learnt alongside inspirational quotes on Burnout Recovery :

"Recovery from burnout demands a permanent shift in priorities, not just a temporary pause." - Shawn Achor

2. Burnout made me realise how PLAY had been pushed down my list of priorities. I had over time consistently neglected my need for play which is an important self-care practice. I allowed life to get heavy and serious when it doesn't have to be.

2017 Study : The Benefits of Play for Adults: An Examination of Constructionist Theory and Positive Psychology (Authors: Gray, Peter and Sherry, James L. / Published: American Journal of Play, 2017)

The study discusses the benefits of play for adults by examining both constructionist theory and positive psychology. The authors argue that play is important for adults because it promotes creativity, problem-solving, and social connections. They suggest that play can help individuals cope with stress, improve their mood, and enhance their overall well-being

Do you have “play” schedule into your week? How do you play?

"Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what's left of you." - Katie Reed

3. I got carried away creating with the intention to give, but without boundaries I was leading myself into the place of giving what was left, not the best of me. Being irritable and short-tempered with my loved ones, negative self talk and chronic body pains were signs of this. Take note of these symptoms!

"Healing from burnout starts with finding a way to replenish your soul." - Akiroq Brost

4. I had abandoned my rituals to work harder and get more work done as I slipped into the demands of hustle culture. Coming home to my sound healing corner and music play-listing has been a sweet balm for me soul. Did you know music is an excellent tool to switch on your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and recover)

"Burnout recovery is a journey, not a destination. Take it one step at a time." - Diane Dreher

5. Taking small steps to integrate new practices into life that will lessen the chances of burn out happening again. There is no race or place to get to. It’s a moment to moment practice of awareness. Every day ask yourself, why am I doing this? Does it feel good in my body?

There is no shame in burning out. It used to consume me but no more. I am grateful for my resilient body and its ability to carry me through life. I will do my level best to pay more attention to its needs.

I hope that these prompts are helpful for you.

Look out for Part 2 coming soon to your inbox. Not on my mailing list yet? Subscribe here

With love,
Sa xxx


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