
Why are Boundaries Healthy & Necessary

A series was originally inspired by Young Adults during the year of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 with the intention to offer a new perspective in a profoundly different world they find themselves living in.

Interestingly, I discovered in the creative process that this is relevant to everyone no matter your age.

It has since taken me on a curious and playful journey of Fresh Perspectives in all areas of life.

These Fresh perspectives liberate you from limiting beliefs that can trap you in repeated cycles of destructive behavioural patterns.

Let me know in the comments what you would like more of. These resources are for you

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Don’t forget to check out the next video or head to Fresh Perspectives on my Youtube Channel www.youtube.com/@emotionalhealingmelissa


HEALING IS FEELING (Meditative Poem)


Love (Meditative Poem)