This is my gift to the world: healing through music

I have gone through a lot.

In the past, I dealt with childhood sexual trauma and emotional abuse. I had my fair share of cultural, racial, gender, sexual orientation bias and discrimination. I went through a period of people-pleasing; I repeatedly found myself in unhealthy relationships characterized by gaslighting, narcissism, and co-dependence.

I have also strived hard to become an award-winning recording artist. Yet, I have always struggled with perfectionism and feelings of inadequacy.

When I thought I was unstoppable, life threw me a curveball. The people I cared about the most were diagnosed with terminal illnesses. As I became a cancer caregiver to my Father and my Soul Partner, I had to be strong. Addiction to alcohol and drugs became a crutch for me to sustain my role as a caregiver, a daughter, and a partner.

It was a complex and heart-wrenching life chapter, as I walked alongside them through their final days of life. To add to that, their departure happened barely two years apart, sending me on a never-ending path of grief. Those were my darkest period of pain and suffering, I experienced a lot of powerful emotions, such as sadness, denial, anger and frustration, and I had really disturbing thoughts. Some of them were violent and self-threatening.

Looking back at these experiences, I could have headed to different life trajectories.

What does Father want for me? What is my Soul Partner’s wish for me?

Do they want to watch me spiral downwards into grief and depression?

Or see me numbing my grief with substance use?

Certainly not.

They wanted the best for me.

Using their loved memories, they would want to see me moving on, and living my life’s true purpose.

My personal musical healing experience

Music has always been a part of me. My deep connections with music and my expertise in creating music provided me with a safe retreat. During my worst period of agony and suffering, I turned to journaling and listening to music as a coping mechanism. It turns out that music was one of the most meaningful and effective tools that I'd been using. Taking music as a guide, I listened with great intention and awareness. I leaned into uncomfortable emotions and thoughts, and I learned to honour my inner truths.

I started asking:

What song represents this emotion right now?

And I held a space for the songs to show up. Through all the resonances, frequencies, and vibrations, I found solace. Music, like a friend, somewhat understood what I was going through, because it accompanied me through it, and it helped me feel less lonely. With every song that came up, I started to create playlists. For me, each playlist became a precious and safe space for me to practise deep listening. Making these playlists allowed me to explore myself in a secure environment. Through the playlist, I found a channel to my inner voice, my deepest thoughts, and the most vulnerable child within me. Deep listening permits our truth to exist without the influence of external opinions and judgements.

How Intuitive Music Programming (TM) was born?

In the process of creating these playlists, I developed a technique that I have now trademarked as the Intuitive Music Programming (TM). This methodology involves using music as a gateway through which you can access your own innate wisdom. It all began when I took a moment to consider my needs. I learned through music the value of tuning into my inner wisdom and prioritising self-care.

I applied this methodology on myself, and I started to witness my progress. I got better at listening to what was unspoken but felt. When confronted with adversity, I was able to listen beyond the mind and its thoughts, shift perspectives, and interrupt harmful behavioural patterns. I experienced the benefits of music firsthand and felt :

"Oh, wow! I need to tell everyone about this!"

This is how I developed the passion in guiding others through music.

Music has the ability to change people in profound ways. It has the capacity to re-introduce people to the intricate tapestry of their lives by means of sound vibrations that can alter the energies of the physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

At the heart of the Intuitive Music Programming (TM) experience is remembering the innocent, wise child within you.

The inner child carries within you the inner wisdom and intuition that has been rooted in life experiences from generations before you. To tap into your inner child is to see life again, with joy, excitement, and a sense of wonder. During our pain and struggle, we often find it hard to describe what we are going through in words, but music understands and translates emotions in a way that words cannot.

I've had the honour of touching the lives of countless people through an emotional healing process in which they were able to tap into their inner wisdom and rediscover their life's purpose. It is my sincere wish to continue creating music that not only enhances joy, love, and celebration, but also helps you navigate your darkest times.

Final thoughts

Will my self-doubt and depression finally leave me? The answer is no.

Being in tune with music on purpose has helped me recognise thought patterns. Now, I am able to recognise the onset of negative emotions such as self-doubt, melancholy, or anger.

I get to ask these emotions, "What is it that you want?"

With compassion and genuine interest, I ask, "What is this trying to tell me?"

Music has enabled me to accept who I am and create a safe space within and around me, allowing me to stop self-sabotage and lean into my inner wisdom, as well as my network of friends and family for support.

Life’s hardships and struggles enriches us, but it can be softened. Incorporating mindful music listening into daily life is, in my opinion, a profoundly powerful method to ease the most difficult challenges we face.

Come along on a soothing, music-filled experience with me and you'll learn to master your emotions and live life to the fullest without compromising who you truly are.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to me at and follow my blog, listen to my podcast , watch my YouTube channel or reach out to me on instagram, or linkedin as we grow and learn together!

Finally, I’d like to dedicate this song to you, “The One,” just to remind you of how wonderful you are and the impact you have on the world around you, by simply BEING YOU.

You can listen to this song and other original songs on Spotify, Apple Music & my Music YouTube channel




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